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Mothering Daughters through Sacred Cycles

I help mothers and their teenage daughters shift to feeling empowered, connected and supported through embodiment practices and reclaiming cyclical living to strengthen their bond to themselves and each other through life's transitions.​




Weekly on Zoom

Women's Yoga Practice

Movement, Meditation and Breathwork inspired by nature, moon phases and a focus on feminine energy.


New Moon Circle

Carve out time to connect to your heart’s desire and nourish your soul through movement, meditation, breathwork and creative expression under the potent New Moon.


4 week Journey

Sacred Flow: Mothers and Menstruation

4 Week Course for Mothers of Daughters on the journey through menarche and how to embrace the transition with knowledge, supportive practices and loving kindness.

Virtual or in-person

1:1 Consultations

For those seeking an individualized approach. Contact for more information.

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About Me

I'm a mother of two daughters, a yoga teacher, feminine-form Ayurvedic Coach and a woman who loves talking and sharing about the power of the period. My practice focuses on conscious mothering, menstrual health, womb healing and cyclical living grounded in deep feminine wisdom. I work with mothers who may have a similar story that they grew up from the onset of menstruation feeling ashamed and unsupported in their feminine body and lacking knowledge or tools to guide them through the transition. Through the rediscovery and remembrance of this is in their own bodies they change the narrative for their young daughters. I am passionate about guiding mothers and their daughters to strengthen their bond, follow their own cycle and connect to spirit.


Contact Me

I would love to connect with you and send an occasional email.  Upon registration, you will receive an initial guide with realistic conversation starters and sustainable practices to support the changing landscape of your mother-daughter relationship.

Thank you!

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